Central - Slovakian Museum Banská Bystrica
Little - Carpathian Museum in Pezinok
Museum of Arts and Crafts in Bratislava
Slovak National Museum Bratislava - Historical Museum
West - Slovakian Museum Trnava
Open-Air Museums
Ľubovnianske Open-Air Museum in Stará Ľubovňa
The Exposition of Folk Architecture in Bardejov Spa
The Exposition of the Folk Architecture and Dwellings in Humenné
The Museum of the Kysuce Village in Nová Bystrica - Vychylovka
The Museum of the Liptov Village Pribylina
The Museum of the Oravian Village in Zuberec
The Museum of the Slovak Village in Martin
The Open-Air Exposition of the Museum of Ukrainian-Ruthenian Culture in Svidník
The Open-Air Mining Museum in Banská Štiavnica
The Slovak Museum of Agriculture in Nitra